The Social Network

From the Riddle Village Event Board . . . enough said.

Riddle’s pretty good about scheduling activities for residents. Some are pretty predictable, like day-trips to Trader Joes and bunko nights.

Others make me laugh–like casting calls for Wii Bowling tournaments and free showings of the Mark Zuckerburg movie.

It makes sense. Apparently, there’s been a dramatic spike in Facebook users over age 55 in the past few years.

Out of the nearly 600 million Facebook users, more than 15,516, 780 are probably grandparents–a 58.9% increase since they measured last year. That means there’s potentially more “likes” from the senior crowd than high schoolers. And knowing the people who live at Gam’s apartment, much spicier status updates.

Now that I think about it, I don’t want to know how many Riddle residents have more friends than me on Facebook.

Some things are best not to ask.